It is not easy to travel to Italy for business from Oman, Pakistan or Iran. The controversy over citizenship and immigrants has affected the issuance of Schengen short-stay visas for business trips. The most frequent cases of refusal of the Uniform Schengen Visa (VSU) regard assimilation to the visa required for self-employed or employed people, which are requirements for another type of entry visa for working in Italy
Schengen business visa in Italy Schengen visa requirements for Italy. Italian work visa
Italy Schengen Visa – Do US citizens need a visa for Italy. Italian legislation provides for foreign businessmen to enter Italy for economic and commercial purposes. For example, if they need to sign international trade deals, for contacts or negotiations, for learning or verification of the use and operation of capital goods purchased or sold under international trade and industrial cooperation agreements. In these cases, the entry visa is the Uniform Schengen Visa.
The principle of economically relevant activity
Do I need a visa to travel to Italy? Italy has introduced a new principle that regulates entry for work, i.e., that of economically relevant activity for Italy. The Uniform Schengen Visa is often refused by consular visa offices and the application for a Uniform Schengen Visa is treated in the same way as the application for a self-employed or employed person other than that for a business visa.
Economically relevant activity for Italian working visa requirements or Schengen working visa or Schengen Italy
A national entry visa to Italy is granted for a economically relevant activity. However, there is no reference in legislation to what a relevant economic activity should be, leaving the consular offices also the power to refuse a request for an Italy Schengen visa. In addition, this principle is contrary to Article 41 of the Italian Constitution, according to which “private economic initiative is free.”
Schengen visa code
EU legislation has long provided for a uniform regulation laying down the procedures for issuing short-stay visas in the Schengen area (EU). However, Italian consulates often refuse to grant a Schengen entry visa for reasons other than those laid down by Community law.
Schengen Information System (S.I.S.)
Work visa Italy for us citizen. Some cases of refusal concern the registration of a person requesting an Italy Schengen visa with the Schengen Information System. It is a system common to all the Member States of the Schengen area, in which two main categories of information are centralised concerning, respectively, people being sought for or placed under surveillance and vehicles or objects being sought for, such as, for example, ID documents. However, a number of cases in which people reported as being entered in the SIS, after access to documents requested by lawyers during appeal procedures before the Court of First Instance, have proven to be untrue.
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